Thursday 14 November 2019

Shoot 1 - Evaluation

Shoot 1 - Evaluation 

Step 1: Description

When and where did it happen?

The Shoot took place on Wednesday 16th October 2019, With the location being Canterbury High-street, The Marlowe, Ashford Town Centre, Folkestone Central Station. This was to incorporate other shots that I have done before starting University.

Who was involved and what did other people do?

No-one was involved in the shoot they were just models that I stopped on the street and I ask to get a portrait of them.

What did you do yourself?

I was the photographer which meant that I could get the shots that I was after. This was done with it being done without an assistant.

What was the result of these actions?

The result of these actions allowed a series of Portraits to come out afterwards to be used in creating the book.

Step 2: Feelings

What did you feel leading up to the event?

With some of the shots being drawn from my archive I was not worried about that. Leading up to the shoot I had a basic idea of age and does it define people, so I decided to shoot around the narrative that it does.

What did you feel during the event?

During the shoot, I met a lovely guy (pipe man) with his partner as I was talking about the project she went it truly doesn’t he is unique. This made amused because I wanted to see if I Could Find more people that were old and interesting.

What did you feel after the event?

Once I had got back and started to look at some of the shots I was pleased with the outcome because it made sure that I had got the right idea with linking it to age. I have made sure that the shots came out correct. This also allowed me to look at the archive to find people that fit the idea.

How do you look back on the situation?

Looking back on what I have shot at the time of writing this I wish that I had written down their names and age so I could add it together to show what the subjects are all about in relation to the age of them. This is the only drawback of this shoot.

What do you think other people felt during the event?

During the shoot, the 1st subject said that she didn’t have a lot of time but I managed to convince her as it was going to be shot on location and not in the studio so it would not take that long. The rest I believe went well with them as they were happy after.

How do you think others feel about the event now?

I do not know how people feel about the shoot now because I am not in communication with them.

Step 3: Evaluation

What went well during the event or activity? Why was that?

During the shoot I felt that the way I have gone around shooting the subjects to make sure that they are the ones telling the story is important. The shoot allowed me to formulate the ideas even more with understanding what age has on people on how they become interesting characters.

What didn’t go so well? Why was that?

I think not having more an idea of the subjects that I wanted to shoot did not let me have a directed pathway to shoot but this was not a negative at times but shooting the people outside of the Marlowe was not needed at the end of the day for this project.

What was your contribution?

For the shoot I was the photographer, this allowed me to capture portraits of the subjects to allow them to stand out to everyone.

What contribution did other people make?

No one else contributed other than being a model due to me shooting on my own on location.

Step 4: Analysis

What have you learned from the situation, event or activity?

During the shoot, I have Learned the necessary information to make sure that the project can become watertight. I have learned more about Canterbury with the greatest location to shoot at with the relation to making sure it is done in the style that I am after.

Step 5: Conclusion

To what positive experience did the event, situation or activity lead?

The shoot allowed me to understand more about the elderly people that are in Canterbury and get to learn what they are working with the lives that they live. The idea of this shoot has led me to think out of the box when it comes to cruel and tender in relation to age.

To what negative experience did the event, situation or activity lead?            

The negative the experience was that with a basic idea I did not yet have the correct desired the outcome being that I wasted a shoot at the Marlowe as this has no links with age and it defining people. This will need to be looked at in the following shoots.

What will you do differently if the event, situation or activity were to happen again in the future?             

For the next shoot, I will shoot people that follow the specialised theme of age. This is the main difference so that I stay on track in order for this to come together. This is all I would change going into the following shoot.

Which skills do you need to develop yourself in a similar event, situation or activity?

I do not need to develop more skills as I want to follow a similar style however making more of the shots look similar.

Step 6: Action plan

To develop this shoot I need to make sure that I selected the stand out images from this shoot and then build the premises for the next shoot in the coming days.

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