Tuesday 19 November 2019

Books without Photos, Annotations

What is denoted?

The Book Covers do not have photos on them. This is denoted by using the use of the text of lines to highlight what the book is all about. The Denoted context is for the viewer to open the book to find out what the book is all about.

What is Connoted?

The Connotation from the books without photos makes it harder for some of the viewers to follow what it is all about due to how it has all been styled. The use of it not having any images is to communicate with the viewer to make them look in the book before they buy. So that people do not judge a book by its cover. The feeling of looking at a book like this in a book shop without any images makes it harder for people to follow what it is going on. This has the advantage of getting the viewer to look further into the book for them to understand what is going on. While in contrast the viewer might be put off buying or reading the book as it is harder for them to follow.

How are you affected as a viewer?

On looking at the covers it makes it hard to understand what the book is all about because of the way it has all be styled, this will make the viewer confused and make it harder to understand. When Looking into the book the impression changes and makes you interested in what is going on. Having the cover plain makes slightly repulsed as it can be harder for me to understand what is going on. This can be the opposite to other people might prefer this to other covers with images on.

What makes this work significant to you (and or your project)?

I am going to take forward how basic the book is with the images being not shown and allowing there being more information about the book. I am planning on using the position of the text with it being in the centre of the cover allowing the viewer to focus on this before they turn the page. I think the way that it is shown with it having some information about the work without showing any images is just important. The use of a dust jacket also works because it allows there to be images of the front while the dust jacket is pure text this another method that I am looking to explore. I think that the use of the cane without and images will show that the book is about age without having to see any of my photos.

What are the strengths of the source you are looking at? What are the weaknesses of the work?

The Strengths with this work is that the book covers are done to be simple with the way it has been presented to the viewer by showing nothing going on which can immerse them to look at the book. The use of negative space makes sure that the viewer engaged in what is going on at the moment, the user transfers across when looking at the book with it looking simple. The weakness of this is that the book looks boring and not as interesting when going to look at the book when wanting to purchase it. I am going to change this by making sure that it can be simple and connect with the viewer at the same time.

What ideas (or visual styles) will you take forward to think about in your work?

I am planning on taking forward the idea of having the text all in the middle because it might be more powerful, I am not planning on having the front cover empty because it will look wrong for what I am planning on achieving. If I am taking more information, I might have a drawing a cane to show that it has links to age.

Who is the intended audience?

The indented audience for this book is for people who are interested in what the book is all about. The Book offers people different ideas about what the work has been produced and what also needs to be edited to make it stand out. The Books are done for the time of print with them be linked at the time of it being printed off. This does not affect my reading of this now. Books are all Contemporary as they show the information for that time of being printed and produced for the importance of the artists and what they were after.

What context have you seen the work in?

The Context of the Work That I have Seen this in has been as the book cover in my hand then scanned in, The Context of the work goes in the style of the book. With some of them being used to document the artist's work and what they have produced. While other books context work with the history of something and for the viewer to understand what they are all about. The work that has been produced for all the books without photos on the cover would not work in a gallery as they all would be out of context with what is going on as they have not got any photos2. They would work the door to highlight what the book or art is all about. The message would not work in a gallery as they do not have images and they would all be lost. You can see what they are trying to achieve without changing the body position.

Is this work part of a bigger series?

The Book covers to sum up what the photographers have done with the work. For some of the photographers, there will be more to come due to the nature of the book.

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