Friday 23 October 2020

People around the world are leaving out teddy bears for children on their daily walks to spot

(Bakar, 2020)

The denoted sections in these images are that teddy bears being left outside for people to look at them when they are going to their walks during the lockdown. The images show them being outside so people can look at them being pleased with them. On looking at what has connoted the images telling a story about what life is going on with the current Cobid-19 Pandemic. When looking at the images it shows what people had been going through due to Covid-19 this is highlighted when looking at how they are placed. The meaning behind these teddy bears is to make people look at them and to bring a smile to their face when outside when they are lonely. On some of the bears, there is hygiene information to show what they should or should not do when it comes to the virus. The way they are presented is to make people wonder about what is going on.

I am affected with this work by the message the story is about it gives me sadness about what has been going due to the life we have to live under due to the current climate. When looking at the images you look at the teddy bears first due to how they have been presented to the eye this has been done as the main story for this work is to show the life of the pandemic in the time. When looking at the image it shows stories that people are trying to highlight with the life that they are currently living under. The stories are at times on some of these bears are shown below or a link to find out more about them, the bears are placed out to make young children happy. When looking at the images together it fills me with happiness that we are coming together at a time of great problems with the lockdown that was in place when this story was written. The ideas that I am planning on talking from this body of work is how they have shown the teddy bears to the viewer, I am going to take on the style of how it has all been presented to the eye.  

The work is significant to my project because I am planning on making stickman my desirable object and when looking at the images it shows emotion to highlight the problem of the virus. I am planning on taking forward how the toys are placed in the centre so it can be looked at quickly when people are scrolling through social media. The work is important to highlight the time of the lockdown.

The strengths of the work are that it shows what people got up to during lockdown, the main strength is that is they all link together when it came to the message of hope with the bears. The thing I will do differently is not using bears but stick man and use different locations, the weakness when downloading them is the resolution is not the best that is all I think is the problem due to the fact they could not go out as often.

The original article was aimed at parents with young children to try and get them to take part in this scavenger like hunt when it came to looking for the bears. The work is important to the time as it relates to the virus and how we had to change, the work is also important as a morale booster when we are all locked inside and with nothing to do. The work will hold in time as lockdown 1 has been a challenge for many and people will look back at the time forced to stay inside to prevent people from dying.

The only place I have looked at the images has been online with the context from it showing what happened before. This will work in a newspaper as it is from the Metro and this means it will be in print, the difference is going to be how the images are placed so the viewer can get the most out of the article without losing track. I think they would work in an online gallery not a physical one as young children will not enjoy it as much as they will want to find the bear themselves. This would work as a map with the location to take part in a covid secure scavenger hunt to find the bears outside, thus allowing them to get outside and not be in the way and likely give others the virus.


Bakar, F., 2020. People around the world are leaving out teddy bears for children on their daily walks to spot. [Online] 
[Accessed 23 10 2020]

Project Proposal: The desirable Object

Project Proposal: The desirable Object

Stick Man


The Concept for the project is to focus on the toys from Julia Donaldson’s books The Gruffalo and Stick man, the toys are simple but the catch the imagination of many people across the world. The toys will be photographed at home, on location and the studio. I am planning on photographing the toys. Some of the toys will be photographed to look funny and comedic. The toys will be done to look like an advert for the toys, this will be done using branding from the books and using similar typefaces to make them stronger. The demographic is going to be parents and their children with the factor being the books are aimed at young children. The work will be made to show the popularity of the books and the toy in the run-up to Christmas.


When it comes to the Methodologies the location of this shoot will be done at home, at university and on the move thus allowing more flexibility if we go into another Lockdown in the future this projects can be covered on the future. The work will be done with no help due to the virus and this is project will make the advert stand out for the viewer.

Intended Publication/ Audience

The intended audience for the project is going to be young children as I am going to be using the Gruffalo and the stick man character with the book being aimed at young children. The outcome is to make the work look like an elf on the self-styled campaign. This will allow me to take advantage of any Covid lockdown or forced self-isolation `by the government. The work will all be published on my social media feeds and website.

Equipment Used

The equipment that I am going to be using is a Nikon D3400 with a 35mm with this being the equipment that I have available. I will be using a light meter at home when it arrives on the w/c 26/10 this will allow me to get a decent amount of ambient lighting in my bedroom. When looking at syncing my camera to Lightroom it will not work as my camera is not supported to be tethered so I will be going with the Nikon based app and the back of the camera and review it regularly by manually importing the images.


The Skills that I am going to need to improve when it comes to this project is how to shoot in dark ambient light when it comes to the object due to the fact that I do not have any studio equipment at home. I am also going to try and make sure that stick man is in the right place and can be photographed on a lower ISO than it might be required. I am going to try and tether my camera by using Nikon’s Capture and view applications for my camera as Lightroom does not support my camera.


The writer that I am going to be researching is Julia Donaldson, as she is the author the project is going to be based around when it comes to stick man. I am going to be using her as the main subject and focusing on how she has used the guy and how I could model him to make it link to her book and how it could be changed given the current Covid restrictions.

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