Tuesday 1 October 2019

Charlie Clift

Sue Perkins Comedian and broadcaster

Charlie Clift

Alastair Campbell Political aide and author

Charlie is an editorial photographer who has worked with many companies, for example, Bafta, GQ and the Guardian. He has produced a wide range of portraits and editorial works. The work I have selected to annotate are from his series from, “ ‘LET’S TALK’ SPARKING MILLIONS OF CONVERSATIONS ABOUT MENTAL HEALTH” (Clift, 2018, p. Including all the photos). The series captures people showing the inner emotion which makes it easier to understand what is going on with the problems that they all face.

What is denoted? 

The Image denotes celebrities sitting down in the studio with writing on the heads of them all. The images have all got writing on the face of them all.

What is Connoted?

All these images connate the feeling of hurt and mental illness that people have faced over their faces. The images have been designed to make people understand the problem that people might face. It communicates the feeling of hurt with all the problems written on the faces of the subjects.
Lettering artist: Kate Forreste

How are you affected as a viewer?

Steve Harris Disabled activist
When looking at the images from the series the 1st thing that most people will see is the white writing on the face to highlight the problems that they have got on. The images make people feel sad as it highlights the problems that they are all facing in the time. The image highlights what the stigma about mental health has been all about. With the negtive space shown makes people focus on the subject and what the mental health problems that they have all got.

What makes this work significant to you (and or your project)?

When looking at the photographers I like the way that the subjects have all got writing on the faces of them to make it easier to understand what they are all about. The way that the subjects are lit with soft backlighting with a soft feel on the models to make it easier to understand what they are all about with making it easier to see. This significant in styling in the future about displaying the problems when it comes to mental health for the readers to understand.

Strengths & Weaknesses

My work is going to be street photography of someone at the edge of life who is about to jump and I am going to take forward the writing and add it onto the subject. The visual styles are important as it shows the mental health problems with the writing being the biggest strength from this body of work that has been produced. While the weakness in the way I am going to use this is that they are in the studio.

Who is the intended audience?

The intended audience is for people to look at the work in the newspaper or other places and to talk about people mental health problems. The work is important as it is designed to highlight mental health issues. It was aimed at anyone in order for them to open up and talk about the issues that they are facing.

What context have you seen the work in?

I have seen the work shown in the context of a viewer online and reading what these are all about because this has been key to understanding it. With the message that is being sent out.


Clift, C., 2018. Let's Talk. [Online]
Available at: https://www.charliecliftphotography.com/work/lets-talk/
[Accessed 9 10 2019].

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